torsdag den 25. september 2003 kl 19:00-22:00
Københavns Universitet, Annex A, Studiestræde 6 o.g., 1455 København K.
Transport: Tog, S-tog, metro og bus til Nørreport station.
med Bjarne Stroustrup, Texas A&M University, som jo er ophavsmand til programmeringssproget C++.
Emnet er: Sibling Rivalry: C and C++
Bjarnes oplæg til mødet er:
This talk presents a view of the relationship between K&R C's most prominent descendants: ISO C and ISO C++. It gives a rough chronology of the exchanges of features between the various versions of C and C++ and presents some technical details related to their most significant current incompatibilities.
My focus here is the areas where C and C++ differ slightly ("the incompatibilities"), rather than the large area of commonality or the areas where one language provide facilities not offered by the other. In addition to presenting incompatibilities, this paper briefly discusses some implications of these incompatibilities, reflects on the "Spirit of C" and "Spirit of C++" notions, and states some opinions about the relationship between C and C++.
Foredraget holdes nok på dansk. Der vil være lejlighed til at spørge Bjarne Stroustrup om andre ting ved dette møde.
Mødet koster 50 kr for medlemmer af KLID og DKUUG, og 300 kr for andre. Dette gælder ved forhåndstilmelding, det koster 50 kr ekstra hvis man kommer uden tilmelding. Al betaling sker ved indgangen til mødet.
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Keld Simonsen