PROSA og KLID inviterer til foredrag om trustworthy computers Mandag d 19. marts 2018, kl 19 hos Prosa, Vester Farimagsgade 37 A, 1606 Kbh V, Buying a new laptop, phone or other computer is not easy. Many computers can run Linux nowadays, but depending on your needs fewer of them work well, and if security is one of your concerns then options available to you surprisingly shrink to almost zero. The talk will highlight some security issues and advice on what to look for in computers - laptops, phones and small home servers - for those of us concerned about privacy and want full control over our computing environments. Jonas Smedegaard is a freelance systems administrator and developer with a special interest in ethically designed computers and software. Jonas is a long time Debian developer involved with several Blends including FreedomBox and DebianParl where ethical aspects of hardware and software is crucial. Since mid 2016 Jonas has been hired by Purism to help develop the Debian-based PureOS shipped with their line of Librem laptops and a future Librem phone. Foredraget er på dansk! Entré gratis for medlemmer af KLID, DKUUG, SSLUG, ITPOL og Prosa ved tilmelding senest dagen før. For andre koster det 50 kr. Kommer man uden tilmelding koster det 50 kr ekstra. Tilmelding på: Videresend gerne invitationen til andre. Vel mødt. Keld Simonsen