Motor Impairments and Mouseless Operation


If you can operate a mouse, but have trouble clicking, the KMouseTool application may help. Run it from K-Button->Utilities->Accessibility->KMouseTool.

XAccess Features

The KDE's kontrolcenter offers several keyboard features collectively called XAccess. They include:

Sticky Keys

This feature permits operation of meta keys, such as Alt, Ctrl, and Shift without having to hold the keys down. It is useful when you can only use one finger or one hand to operate the keyboard. With Sticky Keys on, press and release a Alt, Ctrl, or Shift key, then press another key. The result is as if you pressed both keys at once. Press the Alt, Ctrl, or Shift key again to turn off the sticky key. Activate this feature in K-Button->KDE's kontrolcenter->Regional & Accessibility->Modifier Keys.

Slow Keys

This feature is useful if you have hand tremors or difficulty accurately pressing keys. It prevents inadvertent key presses by requiring that a key be held down for a minimum time before it is accepted. Activate this feature in K-Button->KDE's kontrolcenter->Regional & Accessibility->Keyboard Filters .

Bounce Keys

This feature is also useful if you have hand tremors. It prevents inadvertent repeated key presses by preventing another keystroke for a certain amount of time. Activate this feature in K-Button->KDE's kontrolcenter->Regional & Accessibility->Keyboard Filters.

Mouse Emulation

Mouse Emulation permits you to move and click the mouse using the keyboard. Press Alt-F12 to activate it. Use the arrow keys to move the mouse pointer to the desired location, and press spacebar to "click" the mouse. Unfortunately, you cannot use Mouse Emulation to perform højre museknap clicks or dragging.

Mouse Navigation

This feature permits you to emulate the mouse using the numeric keypad of your keyboard. To activate it, go to K-Button->KDE's kontrolcenter->Peripherals->Mouse->Mouse Navigation. Check the Move pointer with keyboard (using the num pad) box. When you do this, the other settings will become enabled, and you can customize the keyboard pointer behavior further, if required. The various keys on the number pad move in the direction you would expect. Note that you can move diagonally as well as up, down, left and right. The 5 key emulates a click to a pointer button, typically venstre museknap. You change which button is emulated by using the / key (which makes it venstre museknap), * key (which makes it middle mouse button) and - (which makes it højre museknap). Using the + emulates a doubleclick to the selected pointer button. You can use the 0 key to emulate holding down the selected pointer button (for easy dragging), and then use the . to emulate releasing the selected pointer button.

Keyboard shortcuts

Use the Menu key to pop up the context menu. On most keyboards, the Menu key is on the righthand side of the keyboard between the Windows® and Ctrl keys. It has a menu icon on it.

Resizing panels

You can move the sizing bar between the outline panel and the slide panel, and between the slide panel and the notes panel by pressing F8. A sizing icon appears overtop the sizing bar. Pressing F8 again moves from one sizing bar to the next. After the last sizing bar, pressing F8 hides the sizing icon. Use the arrow keys to move the bar up or down, or left or right. Press Esc when finished sizing.

Setting focus to widgets

Normally, one can use the Tab and Shift+Tab to move focus from one widget to the next in any application. However, when focus is in the slide panel of KPresenter, pressing Tab does not move the focus. You can set focus to any widget that can receive focus by pressing Alt+F8. A small lettered box appears overtop each widget on the screen that can receive focus.

Press the letter to move focus to the corresponding widget. Press Alt+F8 again or Esc to abandon moving the focus.